
 I thought I was feeling good but was "good" just comfortable? Was "good" just an excuse for not saying I am actually rotting inside. When my coworkers would ask me, "how's it going?", I'd reply with "Good, and you?" or "Oh, it's going." and keep walking. But where is it going? What is going? Is going like good and I'm just going through the motions of a day. Is good just what you say when you wake up everyday above ground even though you feel like your going deeper and deeper down into a world of self pity and dread. Is simply just being alive "good" and "going" because the alternative is still not known. 

It 6:54 in the morning. Today I am working my second job as a vendor for Pepperidge Farm in the morning and heading to my job at Home Depot for a closing shift I have been covering as a coworker is out with a medical condition. But he's good right? Because he's living. I don't know. 


I started this piece weeks ago. As one might suspect I haven't been posting or writing due to this mental state. This week I spent three days doing nothing but wallowing in self pity and sleeping. These days were not consecutive, warranted, or wanted. In the past months, actually, over a year, I have not just been in isolation and distancing to avoid being a Covid Cautionary Tale, but because while I was spending arms lengths away from people in stores and in lines, I was lightyears away from myself and my smile. 


This piece has been written and deleted as many times, as a few more weeks have passed since informing you that "this piece was written weeks ago". It has been written as many times as I have thought about upping my medication - too many. As many times as I have thought about returning to therapy, but haven't - again, too many times. Most who read this know my story, my health, some cravesses of my mind. Very few know that as I'm writing this I am not even looking at the screen, because I feel detached from the mind I occupy now; a depressed one.  My bed-ins this week were due to my body falling victim of three autoimmune diseases (for those who are unaware of what that means, an autoimmune disease is caused by your body attacking itself in various forms. I'm a victim of joint swelling, cortisol increases, food allergies, poor blood circulation, and migraine that split my head as well as my personality). They don't help depression, especially when they make me  feel like a burden.  For not being able to eat normally - I went mini golfing with some coworkers and my boyfriend, they all got ice-cream afterwards while I chewed gum.  Especially times when I can't always work - I was helping with my second job this week, a vendor for Pepperidge Farms where I help take product off the truck and into aisle of grocery stores - Standing in the refrigerator section was enough to make the blood constrict in my fingers and turn white hot. I say white hot, because the feeling is numb to an almost boiling point, and my appendages turn white.  Some days my joints swell too much I can't lift my arms - like today. Some days my face gets so puffy leaving me unrecognizable to myself. Somedays, most this year,  I have had a depression that's left me feeling like a drop of Dawn Dish Soap. We once did a project in Ms. DiCenzo's class, seventh grade, where we filled a plate with milk, put four different food coloring dots onto the surface of the milk, then dip a Q-tip into some Dawn dish soap. The Q-Tip then touches the surface of the milk creating a chemical reaction in which the colors push away from the soap. They blend and mix into each other on the outside rim of the plate, leaving the Q-Tip incased in a white, isolated space.  I feel like that sudsy Q-tip. The rest of the world is swirling, meeting, blending together, I am left alone. Alone with a mind of nothing but a white space. But perhaps, I am the one pushing people away from me and towards others?  I am the Q-Tip withe a side dipped in an undesired characteristic.   What I am learning now, is that a Q-Tip has two sides. If I wanted people to be attracted to me, if I don't want to push them away, I have to work on fore fronting the side of me that is clean. The side that is not battered in toxicity. 


I suffer from feeling like my emotions aren't valid. That my load is my load, and I must carry it alone. I want to carry it alone. 

I want to be free but when given freedom I resort back to a "comfort" state; Depression and low self-esteem. 

Sometimes it's hard just being part of the human race. It's an odd thing to be a victim of humanity. We have developed and evolved beyond my comprehension and we will evolve again. Sometimes I feel like leaving it. I know I never will on my own terms. I don't have the courage to - or maybe, that's exactly what I have. Courage. The courage to continue to run this race even though my ankles are blistered and shoes worn out. It takes courage to stay here. It takes love to make it worth sticking around. I've learned that recently.  It takes a lot to laugh.  Other times we shield our tears and sorrows behind laughs. 

It takes a lot to laugh, it takes a train to cry. That's a Bob Dylan song about what can be hinted at as sexual frustration. However, analyze it over to fit other situation; 

Well, if I die on top of the hill
And if I don't make it, you know my baby will 

 In my state however, right now If I die on top of the hill - I see it as climbing out of your battles and making it to the peak- the goal. Dying high and mighty.  However, "And if I don't make it...", if I die trying to get better or give in to the disease, I hope what I have produced, leave behind, will bring positivity for others to endure. 


A few more days. have passed since I last wrote here. I am not sure. if I'll publish this, or if it's just therapeutic to get out my feelings.  If I publish it, I hope just a few, if not more, understand that stopping and writing is my way of going forward. I hope some can relate to unfinished projects while in troughs of troubled times.   
Currently I am in my boyfriends kitchen, he is upstairs in the shower. I had just made him a burger, he ate it, kissed my forehead and turned on the air conditioner in his bedroom hoping I will take a nap before work.
 I try to push him away a lot. He doesn't let me. I wish he did, but I think I need him around. As mentioned earlier that depression has become my comfort, he has become one too. But a different kind of comfort. He is young, and we get comments about our age difference, but it doesn't bother us. We're very close, closer than I think we should be at just three months -and if we breakup I will look back at this and laugh and hopefully remember writing this fondly. We try to take days apart from each other, but they always end with 8:30 at night rolling around and him showing up at my door. He's a comfort and like depression,  I know he'll always be around. But unlike depression, he loves me unconditionally and I am so thankful I get to call him my dummy. 
This leads me though to another thought; how much do we love ourselves? I feel as if everyone I talk to has insecurities. I mean, that's natural isn't it? That's comes, once again, with being part of the human race.  But how is it that I can have an abundance of affection for inanimate objects, for my dog, for musicians I don't even know, to my boyfriend and family, but not be able to love myself? Why is it that my dog, my boyfriend, my coworkers, and family all love me, text me, have dreams for me, but I cannot provide warmth to myself? Do we all feel this way? Do we all love others to in return receive the love we cannot give ourselves? In the act of loving others are we loving ourselves? Isn't love a virtue? Didn't Aristotle have his idea of the ultimate goal in life to reach eudaemonia, and part of finding our own happiness must be to love - something, love anything. Right? Maybe. 
I do love myself, or I suppose tolerate myself. In times like this when I am once again not looking at the screen, I do not love myself because I am taking about myself, a person whom I do not feel attached to. But by writing I am acting on a service of love because I am reflecting and coping. This is why I recommend writing to anyone in a daze or depression, anxious even. Just rambling about anything and rereading it almost puts things in perspective; "I am crazy" or "What I am saying/writing is rational". I think reading back on this I will think I am crazy - but that's okay. Being crazy now, and reading it twice over, will help me rationalize my feelings. 

I have no end to this post. Maybe I'll expand it at sometime, maybe I won't. As for now my hands are getting dry, and I must practice self-love and grab some lotion. 
I hope maybe, one person, will make sense of what I cannot. 


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